Mommy Mundo – Expo Kid is a special event that brings together the latest and most thrilling summer and extracurricular activity providers from across the metro, all under one roof.

Took place from March 23 to 24 at the SM Megamall Atrium, this event is a one-stop destination for parents seeking various activities for their children. There were more than 800 registered mommies per day.

Since 2003, Mommy Mundo has stood as the premier and most involved multi-platform support network and community for parents in the Philippines. Additionally, they have established MomShare, a community dedicated to empowering underprivileged mothers and their families, with a primary focus on advancing education, health, and relief efforts. Lastly, Mommy Mundo has maintained a steady collaboration with a diverse range of brands catering to parental needs.

Whether your kids are interested in violin lessons, basketball clinics, or computer programming classes, Expo Kid offers a lot of choices. Additionally, numerous brands will be present, offering freebies to attendees.

This event goes beyond the ordinary kids’ gathering. It features interactive activities and captivating on-stage programs.

Pryce Kidz is very fortunate to participate in this event, as it provides an invaluable platform for us to showcase our brand, its product benefits, and importantly, connect with a broader audience of parents, who comprise our target demographic. Our participation involved giving out 80 packs of Pryce Kidz loot bags and this was allocated to the first forty registrants each day.

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